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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2008-10-22  来源:中国混凝土网翻译  作者:郑丹


  通过使用低碳混凝土,建筑业每年将能够少排放超过200万吨的二氧化碳,据Ecocem董事总经理Donal O'Riain说,这相当于一年减少了50多万辆汽车在道路上跑。

  17 major concrete manufacturers combine to launch low-carbon concrete
(Ireland) -- Seventeen major concrete manufacturers have combined to launch low carbon concrete which is capable of reducing the carbon footprint of new buildings by 25%.

The product is manufactured with Ecocem's green cement.

The construction industry will be able to save over two million tonnes of CO2 annually through the use of low carbon concrete - this is the equivalent of taking more than half a million cars off the road for a year according to Ecocem managing director Donal O'Riain.

Mr. O Riain claims that if the government were to introduce the EU's green purchasing guidelines, which are aimed at making greater use of green products especially in public projects the cut in carbon dioxide would reduce Irish taxpayers' potential exposure to fines from breeching Ireland's Kyoto Protocol commitments.
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